Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Piercing Niples Jenna Jameson

Sunday in Verona February 1, 2009

Sunday ecological Verona
Free Trial of new concept electric bike.
assisted bicycles Swiss and Finns
The bikes are made available in Piazza Bra.
trolley door and children shopping trolleys.
In cooperation with Green Line Mobility Ltd and the Town of Verona. Meeting at 10.00

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Sore By Lip Piercing

assisted bicycles and electric bikes quality economic

It is true that all bicycles are moving in the same way, namely by force of legs and / or with an electric motor, but the first thing you should do before buying a bike is to ask
- What does it mean?


currently the only mountain-bike pedal assisted quality is made by the Swiss Biketec FLYER with the brand, the model is the most fuoristradale "S" XC (Cross Country), the other bikes on the market are arranged to the least worst.
While mountain biking, it can often only be transported to the place where you want to use the model of FLYER is extremely versatile and can be used to 360 degrees.
E 'in compliance with the Code Road, and is equipped with signal lights front and rear reflectors on the pedals, horn, fenders and chain casing.


a) Main features:
- sturdy frame;
- handlebar that allows a comfortable, ergonomic driving position;
- sprung saddle ;
- housing and fenders;

- the front and rear lights (mandatory);
- reflectors on the pedals (required);
- rear rack (and earlier);
- a good grasshopper.

b) Accessori
Per una maggiore sicurezza si può aumentare la propria visibilità con:
- paletta distanziatrice con catarifrangenti;
- catarifrangenti sulle ruote.
Inoltre su questa bicicletta si può aggiungere:
- le apposite borse per la spesa;
- il seggiolino per il bambino;
- il cestino anteriore (o posteriore);

- il carrello per la spesa o porta bimbi.

c) Utilizzo della bici da città per altre attività.
La classica bici da città normalmente è usata per spostamenti giornalieri e non è fornita di cambi.

Difficilmente si può trasformarla per altre attività. It can be used for short cycle excursionists, having in mind that it has some disadvantages.
very substantial weight and lack of change does not allow you to vary the ratio effort / reward upward or downward.

3 - TREKKING BIKE or touring bike

a) Main
For city use, or for more challenging excursions outside the city, requiring at least forty miles, where there may be some uphill, the bike will most likely have the following characteristics;
- relatively light and strong (depending on construction materials);
- quick release wheel;
- tires of media as possible "tabs";
- rigid or barely sprung saddle;
- brakes effcient and robust (RollerBrakes)
- at least 8 rear derailleur;
- highly visible light ( possibly with halogen);
- good grasshopper.

essential accessories - the pump
- the bottle holder with water bottle;


carellini There are very light, to be applied to tow the bike, covered in tents, that can be used to carry groceries, children, etc. .. While in Italy are unlikely
found in central and northern Europe are commonly distributed.
In our cities, unfortunately, not having safe bicycle routes, they become difficult to use and in some situations too dangerous for heavy traffic.

Basically there are three brands of bicycle pedal assistance on the quality of the Italian market: FLYER Helkama and KALKHOFF

FLYER Helkama and belong to small companies, bicycles are meticulous in detail and are characterized by availability of products (Flyer has a wider range) and price (Flyer is more costosa).

Kalkhoff è un marchio del gruppo Derby Cycle.

I motori Panasonic impiegati sulle bici a pedalata assistita sono estremamente robusti ed affidabili ma non sono sempre tutti uguali.
L’ingente richiesta di bici elettriche di qualità ha recentemente interessato grosse aziende che commercializzano bici prodotte industrialmente.
Ciò ha provocato un incremento di produzione di motori e batterie costringendo Panasonic a commercializzare prodotti diversi che differiscono per prezzo e qualità.
Derby Cycle è una realtà industriale in grado di produrre 2.500 biciclette al giorno e 500 mila bici l’anno.
Le bici sfornate da questo colosso sono marchiate Focus, Rixe, KALKHOFF, and perhaps even Raleigh, Simplex ...
The marketing strategy adopted to achieve these forces amount to give an accurate quality control, promoting the adoption of assembly systems less and less craft and use of materials and components economic or second choice.
these solutions actually allow you to reduce or only slightly reduce the prices of bicycles, the quality difference between a bike and a FLYER manufacturing industry is rather surprising. We found on bicycles
German KALKHOFF various problems due to the assembly a little care and use of quality materials unsatisfactory.
We experienced an increased engine noise, less power and has several drawbacks such as the ease with which the drive chain can jam and / or fall.
Another unsatisfactory aspect is that of driving comfort due to the lack of suspension of the models considered of higher quality, weak exchange rate and the brakes (cheaper than the flyer) and there is a clear difference in the perceived safety in the drive due to frame geometry and less organized than those guessed the FLYER and more fragile and delicate than dell'HELKAMA.
Finally, KALKHOFF in Italy, appears to have a price that is unjustifiably more elevato rispetto a quello degli altri paesi europei ed in particolare la Germania.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ferritin, Fe, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12

assisted bicycles, electric motor

segnala la bici elettrica che conosci

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Best Shoulder Protection

Antimould: detergent, paint additive and Igen MaxMeyer

's a lot of information on the (difficult but not impossible to eradicate) the subject of mold. When it begins to appear is a big problem, it tends to spread quickly.

Fortunately, as we have seen and experienced , there are some anti-mold products special, very specific Since the spray to . A complete professional kit is MaxMeyer:

mold cleaner: Recommended
particularly deteriorated surfaces prior to application of hygiene Mural Painting.

How it works: Spray infested walls at a distance of 10-20 cm. In infested areas it is advisable to remove the mold with a spatula.

Yield: 5-10 m / l depending on the absorbency of the surface.

Additive mold : to be added to paints to prevent mold growth. Particularly suitable for walls subject to condensation and moisture .

on walls attacked by mold, you should completely remove these molds by brushing and washing with water if necessary. For

infested areas, so before the treatment with detergent Antimould Igen.

Use: Mix the contents of the pack Igen Additive Antimould with 5 gallons of any water-based paint (washable, breathable, plastic coatings, quartz, time).
The additive is added prior to dilution of the paint.

paint topcoat : in aqueous dispersion, component, ad essiccamento fisico, opaca, vinilacrilica.

INTONACO CIVILE NUOVO STAGIONATO: spazzolare asportando eventuali residui di lavorazione e polvere, applicare una mano di Maxfix Acrilico o di Maxfix a solvente.

Tale fissaggio permette un risparmio del consumo di idropittura, poiché rende più scorrevole e meno assorbente la superficie, e tutto il ciclo di verniciatura offre più garanzie di aderenza e duratura.

Applicare quindi due o più mani di idropittura diluita come consigliato intervallate di 5-6 ore circa se si opera in condizioni ambientali normali, prolungate tale intervallo se le condizioni sono peggiori.

Altre informazioni : antimuffa detergente , additivo e pittura Igena MaxMeyer