Antimould: detergent, paint additive and Igen MaxMeyer
's a lot of information on the (difficult but not impossible to eradicate) the subject of mold. When it begins to appear is a big problem, it tends to spread quickly.
Fortunately, as we have seen and experienced , there are some anti-mold products special, very specific Since the spray to . A complete professional kit is MaxMeyer:
mold cleaner: Recommended particularly deteriorated surfaces prior to application of hygiene Mural Painting.
How it works: Spray infested walls at a distance of 10-20 cm. In infested areas it is advisable to remove the mold with a spatula.
Yield: 5-10 m / l depending on the absorbency of the surface.
Additive mold : to be added to paints to prevent mold growth. Particularly suitable for walls subject to condensation and moisture .
on walls attacked by mold, you should completely remove these molds by brushing and washing with water if necessary. For
infested areas, so before the treatment with detergent Antimould Igen.
Use: Mix the contents of the pack Igen Additive Antimould with 5 gallons of any water-based paint (washable, breathable, plastic coatings, quartz, time).
The additive is added prior to dilution of the paint.
paint topcoat : in aqueous dispersion, component, ad essiccamento fisico, opaca, vinilacrilica.
INTONACO CIVILE NUOVO STAGIONATO: spazzolare asportando eventuali residui di lavorazione e polvere, applicare una mano di Maxfix Acrilico o di Maxfix a solvente.
Tale fissaggio permette un risparmio del consumo di idropittura, poiché rende più scorrevole e meno assorbente la superficie, e tutto il ciclo di verniciatura offre più garanzie di aderenza e duratura.
Applicare quindi due o più mani di idropittura diluita come consigliato intervallate di 5-6 ore circa se si opera in condizioni ambientali normali, prolungate tale intervallo se le condizioni sono peggiori.
Altre informazioni : antimuffa detergente , additivo e pittura Igena MaxMeyer
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