water is a vital element for plant growth being composed mainly of water. Also, water is the medium through which the plant absorbs the nutrients in the soil. It 'important to adjust the water quantity and frequency of watering according to the needs of each plant, which varies depending on its age, size of vessel, type of soil used and the temperature of the room.
must not exceed in the watering, it is easier to revive a wilted plant that groped with a good watering to save a plant with a root system that is rotting.
Electricity, water and temperature must be directly proportional, so that during the days of low light and low temperature (winter), many plants become semi-inactive (dormant) and watering should be reduced accordingly. The best method is to test the waters to 1 cm. depth e innaffiare se asciutto. Nessun vaso può essere fatto seccare tanto da far ritirare il terreno dalle pareti del vaso. E’ consigliabile raggruppare le piante in base alle loro esigenze idriche. Le piante dovranno essere innaffiate con un innaffiatoio a beccuccio stretto, lentamente e dall’alto, riempiendo lo spazio tra il composto e il bordo del vaso, evitando di bagnare le foglie (le gocce d’acqua the sun act as a solar lens and you run the risk of burning the leaves). Irrigated land in the early morning or evening in the warm seasons, in the middle of the day in the cold seasons.
Le innaffiature profonde sono preferibili a quelle superficiali per stimolare la crescita delle radici in profondità, essendo quelle superficiali più fragili e vulnerabili. L’acqua in eccesso che si raccoglie nel sottovaso deve essere sempre tolta per evitare ristagni.
The ideal is to use water at room temperature, the cold tap water could cause a thermal shock to root of the plant. The solution is to get the water several hours before watering, watering so that the rise of course.
The usual additives in tap water, such as chlorine and fluoride can damage the plants, making the leaves full of spots, in that case the use of rainwater or pond would be ideal. When hard water can leave a white deposit on the leaves.
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