Once again, the scientific research is moving in favor of life. Open today from the womb to operate a fetus with spina bifida and proceed with the pregnancy is no longer a crazy idea. A study of fetal surgery shows that children with spina bifida treated with this intervention are more likely to walk without help and exposed to a lower risk of developing hydrocephalus.
Surveys show that nine out of ten women choose abortion when they find out that your child has this serious defect. For the rest, the most common option is to wait until birth to intervene, when the damage is however, irreversible. The research, published in The New England Journal of Medicine "and taken by the English newspaper ABC, is based on the experience of 183 pregnancies. The study shows that by intervening in fetal surgery, dropped to 30% the need to insert a valve to reduce the hydrocephalus after birth.
Antinolo Guillermo, director of the Fetal Medicine Unit of the hospital of Seville believes the United States study "the best news in recent years," then regretting the fact that most women choose to abort because not have adequate information ( or specifically wrong.)
Fonte: http://www.uccronline.it/2011/03/14/la-chirurgia-fetale-della-spina-bifida-e-oggi-una-valida-alternativa-allaborto/
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