Con grande tristezza e molta rabbia per il potere e la violenza della droga, voglio fare memoria dell'amico don Ruggero.
Ricordiamo tutti la sua grande umanitá, la semplicitá con cui ti avvicinava, ma allo stesso tempo la dedizione e l'impegno al Centro Missionario Diocesano...
Chiediamo a don Ruggero di accompagnarci tutti nel cammino di ogni giorno, perché ciascuno di noi, a suo modo e nel suo contesto, ce la metta tutta per fermare la morsa del male che stringe nella sua presa soprattutto i piú poveri.
Brasile, missionario fatto inginocchiare
e ucciso con due colpi di pistola
Don Ruggero Ruvoletto era originario di Vigonovo. Era stato direttore del centro missionario della Diocesi di Padova. Tre sospetti arrestati per omicidio
PADOVA - Lo hanno fatto inginocchiare e gli hanno sparato due colpi, uno to face the other in the head. He died so - according to the reconstruction of the police - the missionary Roger Ruvoletto Padua, who was assassinated around at 7 am local time (11 in Italy), in the parish of Santa Etelvina on the outskirts of Manaus, in northeastern Brazil, by two unknown . The two were seen escaping with objects belonging to religious and take to the bush after having scaled the wall of the parish. In the evening three people were arrested by Brazilian police for murder. Ruvoletto, which was part of the diocese of Padua, but was originally from Venice. He was born in Galt Vigonovo fact, in the province of Venice, 23 May 1957 and was ordained priest on June 6, 1982. Before reach, two years ago, the Amazon, was for many years in the poor neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro, the Baixada Fluminense. He told himself during an interview with the weekly Revista Comunhao , before moving to Amazon ..
Hundreds of residents of the suburb of Santa Evelina in the parish went to see the body of an Italian missionary, who had moved two years ago from Italy to Manaus. The police had to intervene to contain the crowd that had gathered at 's murder. "It was a good priest. It was very well liked by the community. There is great excitement throughout the town, "said Father Danival de Oliveira, the Archdiocese of Manaus, quoted from the site of , the largest Brazilian newspaper. Folha de S. Paulo
confusion and pain are the feelings with which the Diocese of Padua has learned the news of the tragic death of Don Ruvoletto, who once served as director of the Missionary Centre of the Diocese of Padua. "We did the workshop together - remember Don Cesare Contarini - it was he who directed our choir. A gentle person, who has never taken advantage of its position, even when the Bishop Filippo Franceschi ne aveva fatto il suo segretario personale. Era un testimone vero del Vangelo che ha sempre preferito sporcarsi le mani che stare lontano dalle persone». «Era una personalità della diocesi padovana di grande spessore - ha detto il sindaco di Padova Flavio Zanonato - ricordo la sua straordinaria umanità, la sua allegria e la sua simpatia. Prima di lui, un altro missionario padovano, padre Ezechiele Ramin, è stato ucciso in Brasile».
19 settembre 2009
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