Monday, April 19, 2010

Play Soul Silver Emulator

The Garden on the balcony: the salad bowl

“Marameo perché sei morto, pan e vin non ti mancava, l'insalata era nell’orto e una casa avevi tu”

Spinta dal ricordo di Marameo, ho deciso di seminare la misticanza , una varietà di insalate assortite, che oltre ad essere di facile coltivazione, è particolarmente indicata per essere coltivata in vaso.

Il periodo di semina della misticanza va da marzo a settembre e la raccolta può essere prolungata intervallando le semine di tre-quattro settimane ed evitando di sradicare la pianta, in modo che possa continuare a germogliare.

Prendete una semenziera e riempitela con un terreno professionale per sementi. Sow broadcaster and cover with a thin layer of soil using a kitchen colander, so that the soil remains soft and facilitate the growth of shoots.
Wet thoroughly with a spray bottle and cover with a sheet of clear plastic (so as to provide light) or a glass. Remember to leave
breathe every day, so as to eliminate the condensation that forms. Make sure the ground is still wet, sprinkling every day.

Depending on the space at your disposal you can use as semenziera, containers of different sizes, recycling le cassette della frutta rivestite con un telo, le vaschette della ricotta, dei pomodorini, i classici vasetti dello yogurt oppure i vasetti di carta di giornale.
Quando però le piantine avranno sviluppato 7-8 foglioline, è necessario diradarle, lasciandole ad una distanza finale di 20-30 cm.

Ricordatevi di proteggere le tenere foglioline di misticanza dagli uccellini, mettendo delle asticelle nel vaso e ricoprendolo con del tessuto-non-tessuto.

La raccolta della misticanza inizierà dopo 50-60 giorni dalla semina, quando le foglie saranno alte 6-8 cm. Tagliate quindi con un coltello il piede della pianta ed evitate di sradicarla in modo che can continue to grow.
The watering must be regular, to avoid rot, avoid wetting the leaves.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Czym Jest Dla Człowieka Smierć

in Aurora, more than a bicycle pedal assisted ...

was a bit 'of time thinking of buying a bicycle with pedal assistance , a bike that allowed me to do 15 km per day (from work-home) with a slope of not indifferent. Seeking
on specialized sites, talking about bike weight, battery life, stability, shock absorbers etc. But true enlightenment came when a lady down the street with his beautiful assisted bicycles tells me "are five years that the use here in Rome and I could not live without." On
I went to claim his Ronconi, an old man between each test, I told the story of his family and when the King, to honor his grandfather fiumarolo allowed him to put the boats in the pond Villa Borghese, where you can still be lovers.
E 'was love at first sight! Aurora-Electra transform, much more than just a bicycle with pedal assistance.

  • off the scooter with insurance, road tax, audit, fines and the high price of gasoline.
  • via the gym! I assure you that 15 km per day with Aurora is an infallible remedy for cellulite and fat too.
  • away the stresses of post work. A bike ride is to download the toxins.
  • Punctuality. Finally arrive at the office on time, the bike allows you to find alternate routes and sidewalks are deserted lanes.
Aurora has few pretensions, only to recharge the battery every 30 miles.
I really hope to have convinced you to change your life!

Ask your dealer for the availability of regional funds for the contribution to the purchase of the bicycle with pedal assistance. The Region of Lazio I was refunded 30% of list price and the practice has completely cured my store!

I must point out the Forum independent of electric bicycles , where the more experienced can find all the information to transform your bike into a bicycle with pedal assistance with the purchase of a kit !

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Forced Male Milking Bymales

A sustainable lifestyle, eco bags

Every year are produced 200 million tons of plastic. Just think of the plastic bags that everyone uses in a week and each bag employs more than 1,000 years to biodegrade, but not before causing damage to wildlife and the environment.
Una pesante eredità per almeno 10 generazioni, complici la quotidianità del gesto, la gratuità fino a poco tempo fa, la mancanza di educazione ambientale e tanta, tanta pigrizia.
A fianco agli interventi politici, lenti e in mano alle lobby, molte sono le iniziative per abolire l'uso dei sacchetti di plastica . Vi segnalo Porta la sporta , un sito completamente dedicato all’utilizzo delle borse ecologiche riutilizzabili in tela o altri materiali. porta la sporta
Naturalmente le dinamiche di business sono dappertutto, anche per le borse ecologiche, ma il business non c’è se la borsa ecologica la creiamo noi.
Per chi è very skilled with a needle and cotton, you can download from the site patterns to create your own eco-bag: bag bag, bellows etc.
You just need to customize your bag label and take it with you!
And to contain the waste, biodegradable plastic bags are a good alternative.
Digging in the closet, I found my eco-bags!

Monday, April 12, 2010

4x4 Post Welded Wire Fence

Save money, Save the Environment

Try to reduce the waste mountain, try to direct your purchases to products that have zero packaging will not be easy! Hence the idea of \u200b\u200bchanging our small to logo bitudini both wrong, however deeply rooted. Small daily gestures that in some cases may even improve our lives.
start with the A4 :
Before you throw away is good practice to also use the back for new prints or for notes. Perhaps not everyone knows that you can rationalize printing a web page , usually packed with images, colorful backgrounds and a wide margin, clicking on Print What You Like (Iole's Blog )

For whoever knows little English: Enter the address of the website you want to print and click "start". In the left column there are a number of features:
remove the background (remove the background); remove image (remove image) text size (text size); autoformat (auto-formatting).
save ink and paper!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Pregnancy Congratulations

The garden on the balcony: basil leaf lettuce bullosa

They say it is becoming a trend, certainly for a lot of passion, the garden on the balcony is the solution if it has little space and still want to smell and taste of home ...
Let's create a small corner with herbs such as rosemary, sage, mint and .... the king of the herbs, basil, Basilicum (actual fact).
Have you ever eaten a spaghetti “sciuè sciuè” ?
Mia madre lo fa quando va di fretta, perchè è veloce e allo stesso tempo buonissimo: aglio, olio, pomodoro fresco, un pizzico di sale e tanto tanto basilico!  DSC00203
Ho deciso di iniziare proprio dal Basilico, comprando dal mio rivenditore di fiducia i semi di basilico a foglia di lattuga bullosa (sulle bustine controllate sempre la data di scadenza della germinazione), quello dalle foglie giganti e dal profumo basilico per eccellenza per intenderci!
Ecco come fare...

-planting time in February-March semenziario
buy a bag of soil-specific semenziari to promote sprouting
-the newspaper (preferably daily) do you use the small jars as semenziario (Greener, cheaper plastic tubs)
-seeded almost to the surface, I understand the seed with a thin layer of soil (you can use a kitchen sieve)
-placed all the jars in a container such as a bowl
- watered with a spray keeping the ground wet at all times and avoiding the excesses of water
-cover the dish with a plastic bag or with a lastra di vetro e fate respirare una volta al giorno, in modo da eliminare la condensa che si è formata
-posizionate la bacinella alla luce ma non al contatto diretto con il sole
- quando saranno spuntate tre coppie di foglie, la piantina sarà pronta per essere messa in un vaso più grande; potete piantarla con tutto il vasetto di carta in modo da evitare che la pianta si stressi durante il travaso (la carta verrà riassorbita dalla terra nel giro di sei settimane) .
Conservate i semi che vi sono avanzati per la semina dell’anno prossimo. Metteteli in un barattolo di vetro con del verderame, chiudete il barattolo e conservatolo in un luogo asciutto e al buio.