Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fun Sayings On Save The Date Cards


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Milan 01/06/2010

"No woman will abort in Lombardy more because of economic difficulties." The President Roberto Formigoni had indicated, ten days ago, this ideal goal. And the regional government launched yesterday on the proposal of the Family Conciliation, Integration and Social Solidarity, Giulio Boscagli, an experimental measure of real help in this direction. This is a monthly allowance of 250 € for 18 months for those women who give up a break of pregnancy which would have been precisely determined by economic problems . The contribution, which then comes up to 4,500 €, is made possible by an initial allocation of 5 million set by the Region, which has paid the money to fund "Nasko" specially created. "We want to help - said Formigoni - the family, motherhood and the birth rate, by removing any obstacles, beginning with those of an economic nature, which makes it harder to make a choice in favor of life." To carry out interventions to support mothers in need, the resolution adopted guidelines. They state that when a woman will present the request to terminate the pregnancy, if this is determined mainly by economic reasons, operators of the clinic or hospital services will receive the same woman for pre-admission tests and interview, will put in contact with the Cav (Center for support of life) that you can learn and evaluate opportunities to help. The Center will present the aid interventions that may offer, either directly or in collaboration with local authorities and other third sector organizations. At that point, the Cav and the Family Counseling, and if she accepts, then apply a "personal project" that will be signed also by the woman and which will describe the various actions to be activated on or before or after the birth of the child.


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