Maria, women and our church
"If we are all one in Christ and there is no difference between men and women, because the power of the order may be given only to men?"
"The conduct of the community by um of women and the biblical "On the day of recruitment
Assumption of Mary into heaven, it is worth echoing the words of wise men in the church who feel the need to raise questions: the bishops Clemente Isnard and Carlo Maria Martini, Cardinal. Lorscheider.
Mary, Mother of Jesus and of all women of faith, "for an entirely unique privilege (...) was not subject to the law to remain in the corruption of the tomb."
that helps us ask the church to rethink Nosrati singular privilege for which men receive the Sacrament of Orders and officially represent the church (that is feminine in its name!).
The Gospel that accompanies the feast of the Assumption of Mary has little to do with the sky and shows us uma donna con i piedi per terra, sulle strade della missione, della solidarietá con gli anziani, dell’attenzione alla maternitá e alla vita dei poveri.
Chi vuole essere “all’altezza del cielo”, deve piantare i piedi sul suolo della gente!
Maria si é diretta in fretta a visitare Elisabetta. Dona Zuza, per amore ad una vicina ammalata nella baracca di fronte alla sua, é stata dodici volte alla Secretaria de Saúde per rivendicare il diritto dei poveri all’ambulanza!
I bambini hanno saltato nel ventre di Maria ed Elisabetta. Dona Célia ha uma casa semplice, con due stanze ed um piccolo negozietto davanti. Un marito, una figlia ed un bimbo adottivo. When, because of human tragedy, her sister and her husband died, he had no fear of receiving the four orphans in the home and care for it.
Mary, queen of women and mother of the Son of God, has gone and returned in silence and alone in the city of Judea. Elisangela and Dirce, líderes community, working quietly in the service of people, catechesis, liturgy, visiting mothers with the Pastoral da Criança , leading to church celebrations of the Word.
All these tracks in the soil of the poor opens the way to heaven, which is simply the final confirmation of God's love is worth, and who wants to remain near Mary, mother of our faith, we endeavor to follow in the footsteps of these other women and service to small communities.
And one day, if we can dream, also will be shepherds of God's people
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