Wrinkles and osteoporosis
NB: This article is written in two version: Inglese and italian. Friday, January 14, 2011
Alligator Poem Birthday
The information is based on two studies done by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) at the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS).
About 1 million and a half of plastic surgery procedures have been attributed to the Latins in 2009. This puts them in first position, before Blacks with 1 million operations and Asians with 740,000.
Both organizations agree on
these data, but disagree on establishing what are the most requested plastic surgeries for each ethnic group. For example, the AACS says that breast surgery are the ones most requested by the Latins, and the ASPS says that abdominoplasty procedure is most required by the same group. In recent years, many Chinese doctors have said that it's growing the number of men undergoing cosmetic
surgery and plastic to improve those body parts that do not meet their aesthetic needs. The director of Shanghai No. 9 People's Hospital, Sun Baoshan, Department of plastic surgery, revealed that the number of patients who undergo cosmetic surgery rose by 30% over the previous year. This trend is also growing due to the fact that chinese men and women want to resemble more and more to Westerners, requiring first blepharoplasty procedure, which consists in the reconstruction of the eyelid by removing strips of skin in order to remove in this case that typical oriental look.
It's increasing also the number of men and women Black who want to have a small pointed nose.
Rhinoplasty is the most common cosmetic surgery procedure. It can reduce or increase the size of the nose, change the shape and the tip of the back, restrict the nostrils, change the angle of the frontal-nasal or nose-labial angle.
The ideal candidates for rhinoplasty procedure, Dr. Peter Massei of Lucca says, are those who seek an improvement rather than perfection in their physical appearance.
Rhinoplasty is also performed to improve nasal respiratory function.
We prefer to perform this action after the full growth of the bony structures of the face, after 16 years. If the rhinoplasty is performed by a skilled plastic surgeon the complications are rare and usually minor. In about 10% of cases may be necessary reoperation, even if small. The biological process of healing in rhinoplasty is absolutely unpredictable and even an experienced surgeon may be confronted with small irregularities that should be corrected with a second small operation.
The scars are always hidden inside the nostrils, except in the technique "open", which provides a small incision on the columella. External incision is needed for the correction of the nostrils, in which case the scar is very small and heals well.
Versione Italiana:
Si è a lungo creduto che la
chirurgia estetica
può essere suddivisa secondo linee razziali. Un nuovo rapporto analizza questo tema, affermando che i Latini sono il gruppo razziale che si sottopone ad interventi di chirurgia estetica più di ogni altro gruppo etnico.
L'informazione è basata su due studi fatti dalla Società Americana dei Chirurghi Plastici (ASPS) a l'Accademia Americana di Chirurgia Estetica (AACS).
Circa 1 milione e mezzo di interventi di chirurgia plastica sono stati attribuiti ai Latini nel 2009. Questo li mette davanti ai Neri con 1 milione di interventi e agli Asiatici con 740.000.
Entrambe le organizzazioni sono concordi su
these data, but disagree on establishing what are the most requested plastic surgeries for each ethnic group. For example, the AACS says that breast surgery are the ones most requested by the Latins, and the ASPS says that abdominoplasty is the most sought intervention by the same group.
In recent years, many Chinese doctors have said that the growing number of men undergoing cosmetic surgery and plastic to improve those body parts that do not meet their aesthetic needs.
The director of Shanghai No. 9 People's Hospital, Sun Baoshan, the department of plastic surgery, revealed that the number of patients who have undergone ad interventi di chirurgia estetica è salito del 30% rispetto al all'anno precedente. Questo trend in continua crescita è anche dovuto al fatto che gli uomini e le donne cinesi sempre più vogliono assomigliare agli occidentali, richiedendo come primo intervento quello di
, atto alla ricostruzione della palpebra attraverso l'eliminazione di lembi di pelle con lo scopo in questo caso di togliere quel tipico accento orientale allo sguardo.
In aumento anche il numero di uomini e donne con tratti negroidi che vogliono avere un naso piccolo e a punta. La
è l'intervento di chirurgia estetica più comune. Può ridurre o aumentare le dimensioni del naso, cambiare la forma the back and the tip, narrow the nostrils, change the angle of the frontal-nasal or naso-labial angle. The ideal candidates for intervention
rhinoplasty, says Dr. Peter Massei of Lucca, are those who seek an improvement rather than perfection in their physical appearance.
Rhinoplasty is also performed to improve nasal respiratory function.
you prefer to perform this action after the full growth of the bony structures of the face, that after 16 years.
If the rhinoplasty is performed by a plastic surgeon experienced complications are rare and usually minor. In about 10% of cases it may be necessary un reintervento, anche se di piccola entità. Il processo biologico di guarigione nella rinoplastica è assolutamente imprevedibile ed anche un chirurgo esperto può trovarsi di fronte a piccole irregolarità che vanno corrette con una seconda piccola operazione.
Le cicatrici sono sempre nascoste all'interno delle narici, tranne che nella tecnica "aperta" che prevede una piccola incisione sulla columella. Un'incisione esterna è necessaria anche per la correzione delle narici; in questo caso la cicatrice è molto piccola e guarisce bene.
Contact info:
Prof. Pietro Massei
tel: +39 0583495482
mobile: +39 3482241562
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