Luisa dice che le piace quello che vede quando si guarda allo specchio, ma che non è stato sempre così. Luisa è stata bullied for a long time by his classmates while attending school.
"One day I was in the bus and a lot of guys made fun of me for having a big nose," said Luisa. "They called me Pinocchio continuously and at school, in class, the kids repeat it. I felt helpless, I felt a loser. " The situation became so severe that he fell into depression and Luisa
began to attend school with less assiduity, in order to avoid as much as possible to the jeers of his companions. Finally one night, he says, he thought that it would no longer bear to be laughed at again, così decise di prendere in mano la situazione."Ho cercato di rompermi il naso
una volta. Ero così stanca delle vessazioni che ho cercato di sbattere la faccia contro la porta", ha detto.
Dopo l'incidente sua madre disse che sapeva che doveva fare qualcosa. Decise di consentire alla figlia di 14 anni di sottoporsi ad un intervento di
chirurgia estetica
per modellare il naso come di suo gradimento. "Penso che sicuramente è stata una buona decisione, perché ciò avrebbe ricostruito anche la sua autostima, tornando ad essere quella di un tempo, con la sicurezza che aveva nel fare le cose che fanno i ragazzini della sua età", conclude la madre. Luisa è tra un piccolo ma crescente number of teenagers who say they have been teased with bullying to get to the point to consider is not whether to implement an intervention "I see a good number of parents coming to me with their children because of bullying, teasing and feelings of self-consciousness." says Dr. Michael Fiorillo, cosmetic surgeon. "My view is, of course, to address the primary issues elaborardo, that bullying and teasing. But there are some situations in which people are mature enough and surgery is a decisive solution.
The Popular cosmetic surgery from teenagers include rhinoplasty
breast augmentation and reductive, corrective action of the ears (otoplasty
) and Botox injections.
Luisa's younger sister, Martina, was teased as a little girl for her smile drooping. To standardize the smile, the mother allowed her daughter to begin injections of Botox at age 5. 
Note: For privacy reasons the names of persons have been replaced with fancy names, so any reference to names of people existed or is purely coincidental
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