U.S. pressure pushed the Philippine Congress to reconsider the Law reproductive health (Repruductive Health Bill). This includes birth control and distribution of contraceptive pills and abortive. La Chiesa invita all’utilizzo di metodi naturali di pianificazione famigliare educando la popolazione a una cultura di responsabilità e amore.
The new bill is presented by members of Congress after pressure from the UN, which in a report, published October 30, expresses "serious concern" for the high rate of infant mortality and " lack of information among the youth of contraceptive methods. " It considers the non-approval of Reproductive Health as a "violation of the rights of women and children" and calls on the Government to make greater efforts for its ready application. "The report considers religion as main obstacle to the spread of contraceptives (condoms, abortion pill, intrauterine device) that pushes young women to make abortion illegal (about 400 thousand per year).
"It 's a fact that unwanted pregnancies cause illegal abortions - said Msgr. Jose Clemente Ignacio Archdiocese of Manila - but why do we consider as the only solution to the promotion of contraceptives that are unsafe and cause more abortions? ". For the prelate is precisely the false security generated by the increase of contraceptive sex and free sex major cause of abortions. " He adds that it makes "the irresponsible people and selfish and does not solve the problem. "
the Congress debate on Reproductive Health has been ongoing for four years and has not so far reached quorum of 120 votes required for approval. This by the opposition of Catholic lawmakers and the support staff of the Philippine President Gloria Arroyo, who has always opposed such a policy of family planning and abortion. The law rejects abortion clinic, but promotes a family planning program, which prevents couples from having more than two children. Pena, the payment of a penalty and in some cases prison. In support of this program sponsoring the distribution in all schools and public places of birth control pills, yet prohibited by law, condoms and supports the voluntary sterilization. This is to reduce population growth considered the main cause of backwardness of the country.
of Sanotsh Digal - Source: http://www.asianews.it/index.php?l=it&art=16839 & ; geo = 5 & size = A
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