Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What Does Doufem And Ferrous Work For

RU486. Stop the procedure, Back in

These findings della Commissione Sanità del Senato. La discussione rinviata ad oggi

24 novembre 2009 - Stop alla Ru486. È questa la conclusione dell'indagine conoscitiva sulla pillola abortiva della Commissione Sanità del Senato. Le conclusioni, stilate dal presidente Tomassini, avrebbero duvuto essere approvate ieri, ma dopo l'anticipazione del sito, che ha messo on line l'intero documento (in allegato) lunedì sera, è scoppiata la polemica. Ieri in commissione la senatrice Donatella Poretti ha presentato uno schema di documento alternativo, non condiviso dal Partito Democratico, che si è riservato di presentare a sua volta un terzo documento. La discussione e Adoption of the conclusions of the investigation was postponed until today.
The conclusions of Tomassini impeach the full compatibility of RU486 with the law 194 and the use of misoprostol as prostaglandins, which is off-label use as an abortifacient. "Since the process of entering into Mifegyne specialty trade by mutual recognition so far followed by the AIFA has not provided verification of compatibility with existing legislation, the Health Commission proposes to suspend this procedure to apply for and obtain the opinion of the Ministry responsible for allowing , where it is considered necessary, to restart the procedure from the beginning . [...] Compared to the doubts about the deaths as a result of taking RU486 or prostaglandin members, and faced with the difficulty of obtaining accurate figures, it hopes a request for arbitration to reopen the discussion on the risk / benefits and carries out a new inquiry and deliberation EMEA. "

The controversy
The Sentara Donatella Poretti on Monday night spoke of "misuse of institutions", stressing that the resumption of work after the summer recess, the Committee on Health Care ' the Senate on a total of 24 sessions, with 16 devoted to the investigation of the hearings on the RU486, "the goal was, and remains, to interfere and obstruct the work of the AIFA. In fact, despite the assurances, the agency has not yet published in the Official Gazette the decision on marketing the Mifegyne (RU486) last July 30, despite the Secretary AIFA Guido Rasi has been nominated by the Board on 19 October ' .
In its outline of the alternative document Poretti stresses the "task of the State-Regions to establish procedures and organization of health care, ensuring the various modes of in-patient care as required by Act 194, providing for the possibility of choosing a doctor, the method and how best to clinical characteristics of women "and that" the Commission will examine in the months immediately following the placing on the market - no more than put off, otherwise the 'opening of an infringement procedure in the European Union, or forced entry, according to Directive of mutual recognition - the need for fresh hearings in the manner you deem appropriate, to monitor how the regions will be organized for ensure compliance with the law. "
Monday evening, the Secretary Eugenia Roccella had replied thus: "the hearings in the Commission have demonstrated the need for a parliamentary inquiry on the matter. In particular, the hearing of the lawyer Vincenzo Salvatore, Head of the Legal EMEA, pointed out the need for the Italian Drug Agency to ask the competent Ministry, the first to join its Board of Directors, an opinion of compatibility between the use of RU486 and the Italian law. Nothing will therefore hinder the AIFA but the need to fully comply with the law 194 and determine which are the responsibilities of various institutions involved. "

Scarica qui il documento dell'indagine:

di Sara De Carli -  



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