Wednesday, March 31, 2010

What Is Theintegrative Social Contract Theory

The Limoncello di Sorrento

Il limoncello è una bevanda alcolica dal gusto unico e dall’aroma inconfondibile, che viene gustata come digestivo a chiusura della cena, ma non prima del caffè…
La paternità del limoncello è contesa tra gli abitanti di Sorrento, Amalfi e Capri ma il migliore in assoluto è quello del mio papà, fatto con i limoni del suo giardino, dalla buccia grossa e profumata e dalla forma ovale (da qui il nome “ovali di Sorrento”).

Ecco la ricetta che gelosamente custodisce…

Limoncello di Sorrento
Ingredienti per 2 litri di limoncello:
n.7 limoni di Sorrento di media grandezza
1 litro di alcol puro
500 gr. di zucchero
1 litro di acqua

Lavate i limoni in maniera accurata,spazzolandoli se necessario, e tagliatene la scorza sottilissima a forma di spirale, stando attenti a non asportare la parte bianca del limone.
Mettete le bucce di limone in un barattolo di vetro con chiusura ermetica, versateci sopra il litro di alcol, chiudete e lasciate macerare per 5 o 6 giorni in un luogo buio come l’armadietto della cucina.Trascorso questo tempo, dopo aver verificato che le bucce hanno perso sia colore che elasticità, preparate lo sciroppo di acqua e zucchero, scaldando lo zucchero a fuoco lento fino a che non si sarà del tutto sciolto.Fate raffreddare a temperatura ambiente e unite lo sciroppo di acqua e zucchero all'alcol in infusione mescolando bene. Filtrate il liquore ottenuto con un colino a maglia fine, scartando le bucce naturalmente dopo averle strizzate per bene e ripetete l'operazione una seconda volta per eliminare del tutto le impurità. Infine, riempite le bottiglie, chiudetele e fatele riposare ancora un paio di giorni.Il limoncello va servito freddo, molto freddo, conservatelo nel freezer e se avete spazio a sufficienza mettete nel freezer anche i bicchierini da limoncello.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Building Conrecte Block Shower

It 's time for cuttings! How to create pots with newspaper cuttings for our

Le talee vanno sistemate in vasetti di piccole dimensioni e poco profondi , nei quali svilupperanno l’apparato radicale prima di essere messe in piena terra o in vasi più grandi.

I vasetti che si vendono in commercio sono solitamente di plastica e hanno la forma quadrata. Sono davvero indispensabili i vasetti di plastica per le nostre talee? Ecco come creare vasetti a costo zero, rispettando l’ambiente e soprattutto evitando di stressare le piantine appena nate. Ecco come fare…

Prendete della carta di giornale, è preferibile un quotidiano che impiega all’incirca 6 settimane per biodegradarsi, contrariamente alle riviste patinate che impiegano circa 8-10 mesi. Preparate delle strisce e avvolgetele intorno a un qualsiasi oggetto cilindrico, come una bottiglia –quelle piccole dei succhi di frutta o anche più grandi- chiudete in fondo e estraete l’oggetto usato come stampo, e il gioco è fatto!
Oppure potete usare i rotoli di carta igienica, tagliare un lato creando quattro lembi e poi incrociandoli per creare il fondo.
Questi vasetti, una volta messa la piantina in piena terra o in un vaso più grande, saranno riassorbiti dalla terra stessa.
Molte piante possono essere moltiplicate per talea (di foglie, di radice o di ramo). Per le talee di ramo si scelgono rametti semi legnosi, cioè ancora in parte erbacei, con una lunghezza di 15 cm  circa. Le talee devono essere tagliate con un coltello da innesto ben affilato, praticando un taglio obliquo subito sotto una gemma, punto in cui usciranno le nuove radici.
E’ Remember that all the portions above the last bud are worthless, then subject to drying out and possible rot, so it must be eliminated. With the grafting knife remove the lower leaves of the cuttings and cut the stalk. The cuttings will retain a maximum of three or four leaves, but these should be cut about half with a sharp pair of shears, in order to reduce the transpiring surface.
Once ready, pour the base with water and dips into the rooting powder. Once you have placed in the jar, the cuttings are placed in position, bright in sheltered areas, but cool and shaded and never exposed to direct sunlight.
The soil must be very soft and light, composed of equal parts of peat and fine sand and must be kept constantly moist, preventing dry out too much or stay too wet.
Ideally, spray the cuttings regularly, at least twice a day. Some advise to fill the jar with a plastic bag practices of small holes to limit evaporation, thereby providing the cuttings humid environments.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

How To Remove A Guinness Valve From A Keg

A battle in the heart of the Amazon

"Justiça nos Trilhos" is so called the campaign initiated by the Comboni missionaries against the multinational Vale do Rio Doce, in the region of Carajás, Brazil. The indiscriminate exploitation of mineral resources in the region have led to a massive environmental destruction, with serious consequences life and health of local populations.

The Brazilians call it 'the way the Iron' is a nearly 900 km long railway was built exclusively to transport iron ore from the richest in the world (in the region of Carajás, state of Maranhao, Brazil) to a of the main commercial ports of Latin America: the port of São Luís.
The trains do not carry passengers, but only minerals: 12 trains, 330 cars and 4 locomotives every day, loaded with minerals for a value of 20 million euro per day.

to manage the extraction and transport is a single multinational company, Companhia Vale do Rio Doce mining company, the second the world. In this part of Amazonia the mining means estate, logging, frequent fires, monoculture, steel industries, slave labor. A massive environmental devastation that has serious repercussions on the health and lives of local people.

For more than two years Comboni missionaries working in the troubled region of the world waging a battle that resulted in the Country "on the rails of Justice" ... Also supported a campaign today by an international network of organizations fighting for environmental protection and population.
a transnational movement that they would meet next April 12 to 15 in Rio de Janeiro.

In contrast with the annual meeting of shareholders of the corporation, to be held concurrently, the meeting in Rio de Janeiro aims instead to show an assembly of people, exchanging experiences and build strategies.

(Interview with Dario Bossi, a Comboni missionary, was extracted from the radio program Focus , Michela Trevisan)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Stomach Hurts And Peeing Alot

stains Italy

In Italy it's cold
"In Italy it's cold, I felt at home just before I arrived for two months of vacation. Alluded in particular to social and cultural climate that I was waiting. I found unexpectedly unemployed friends and families who suddenly the crisis has dealt a blow ...
I have hit numerous and timely responses to run for cover and help those who are most in need. Yet, I feel invisible and silent reflection on the way to the high levels of what has happened: we really want change, or paint the face of mourning before returning to the economy of chance than before?
From the rumor, in the backyards of the country and in the great square of the television media, I feel a climate of conflict, ideological conflict, a priori: it seems that you no longer need to listen, perhaps frighten us, confuse us. In this society as complex, better to anchor our ideas and look around, those who confirm. Easily
emerges above the background noise, the latent racism that slowly takes shape and courage: he has made an impression to follow, the public TV, full reports on immigrants oversimplifying and exaggerating the issue of conflict.
In some moments I was afraid, I confess, much here to stay: I felt a bit 'too foreign unprepared. Today to live as true Christians, in Italy, you must harden your face, be shrewd as snakes, have the courage of prophecy, words have competent and consistent behavior, more demanding of superficiality that the lifetime limit us.

The miracle of life
A celebration of children waiting for me. Many young families, remains 'on site', they have now found new life in your hands ... and make it their Magnificat, a prayer of praise, joy and wonder. Also amazes me to see the care with which overlook these little lives, asking them (the parents) permission to stay there next.
we talked a lot together, as in the first few months really means to love a small surrender completely to him, her ... (Then quietly ask for discounts in this love so demanding).
We compared what it means to educate without violence of any kind (psychological, verbal, in moral blackmail ...). I have seen small partire giá per il Sud con i genitori, perché voci, suoni e profumi diversi ‘contaminassero’ fin dall’inizio il loro DNA...
Ho visto giovani famiglie scegliere in modo radicale e creativo la sobrietá, la preghiera insieme, la vita comunitaria.
Ho visto persone convivere e combattere con malattie pesanti, con l’energia e la speranza che viene loro dai nipotini nati da poco: davvero é la vita stessa che fa miracoli, sapendo accoglierla e lasciandola parlare.

Tra amici che all’improvviso hanno fatto scelte diverse e famiglie e gruppi che continuano con passione il loro impegno, mi sono chiesto molto (dentro di me si mischiavano respect, listening, confusion, fear, honesty, doubt ... and above all a great sense of fragility): What is loyalty?
is a question that we bring in for a lifetime and you answer with your whole life. From the many
the talks so far and I feel I understand that loyalty is to be as honest with themselves and with God, listen deeply the signs of the times, love the story of the crucifix. I hope this
loyalty to each of us, especially young people who stubbornly believe Comboni lay in our family (although not always deserve it!).

Frederick and Ilaria leave for Brazil, will live with them and we will be a plural family: two parents, two brothers, this Italian lay missionary couple, a volunteer lawyer in Brazil.
They have established relationships in these months of preparation: there is a network of solidarity around them, have perhaps sown fruit for a fruitful future here too ...
The future of the mission depends more and more of these alliances between religious and secular, in a true spirit of the extended family, each with its expertise and dedication. We hope very much and we will try to live it consistently, we need others who, with courage the obstinacy of those who open new roads, we believe in it!

Please join us. Make a commitment di rimanere insieme nella Parola, con i poveri.