Friday, March 5, 2010

Stomach Hurts And Peeing Alot

stains Italy

In Italy it's cold
"In Italy it's cold, I felt at home just before I arrived for two months of vacation. Alluded in particular to social and cultural climate that I was waiting. I found unexpectedly unemployed friends and families who suddenly the crisis has dealt a blow ...
I have hit numerous and timely responses to run for cover and help those who are most in need. Yet, I feel invisible and silent reflection on the way to the high levels of what has happened: we really want change, or paint the face of mourning before returning to the economy of chance than before?
From the rumor, in the backyards of the country and in the great square of the television media, I feel a climate of conflict, ideological conflict, a priori: it seems that you no longer need to listen, perhaps frighten us, confuse us. In this society as complex, better to anchor our ideas and look around, those who confirm. Easily
emerges above the background noise, the latent racism that slowly takes shape and courage: he has made an impression to follow, the public TV, full reports on immigrants oversimplifying and exaggerating the issue of conflict.
In some moments I was afraid, I confess, much here to stay: I felt a bit 'too foreign unprepared. Today to live as true Christians, in Italy, you must harden your face, be shrewd as snakes, have the courage of prophecy, words have competent and consistent behavior, more demanding of superficiality that the lifetime limit us.

The miracle of life
A celebration of children waiting for me. Many young families, remains 'on site', they have now found new life in your hands ... and make it their Magnificat, a prayer of praise, joy and wonder. Also amazes me to see the care with which overlook these little lives, asking them (the parents) permission to stay there next.
we talked a lot together, as in the first few months really means to love a small surrender completely to him, her ... (Then quietly ask for discounts in this love so demanding).
We compared what it means to educate without violence of any kind (psychological, verbal, in moral blackmail ...). I have seen small partire giá per il Sud con i genitori, perché voci, suoni e profumi diversi ‘contaminassero’ fin dall’inizio il loro DNA...
Ho visto giovani famiglie scegliere in modo radicale e creativo la sobrietá, la preghiera insieme, la vita comunitaria.
Ho visto persone convivere e combattere con malattie pesanti, con l’energia e la speranza che viene loro dai nipotini nati da poco: davvero é la vita stessa che fa miracoli, sapendo accoglierla e lasciandola parlare.

Tra amici che all’improvviso hanno fatto scelte diverse e famiglie e gruppi che continuano con passione il loro impegno, mi sono chiesto molto (dentro di me si mischiavano respect, listening, confusion, fear, honesty, doubt ... and above all a great sense of fragility): What is loyalty?
is a question that we bring in for a lifetime and you answer with your whole life. From the many
the talks so far and I feel I understand that loyalty is to be as honest with themselves and with God, listen deeply the signs of the times, love the story of the crucifix. I hope this
loyalty to each of us, especially young people who stubbornly believe Comboni lay in our family (although not always deserve it!).

Frederick and Ilaria leave for Brazil, will live with them and we will be a plural family: two parents, two brothers, this Italian lay missionary couple, a volunteer lawyer in Brazil.
They have established relationships in these months of preparation: there is a network of solidarity around them, have perhaps sown fruit for a fruitful future here too ...
The future of the mission depends more and more of these alliances between religious and secular, in a true spirit of the extended family, each with its expertise and dedication. We hope very much and we will try to live it consistently, we need others who, with courage the obstinacy of those who open new roads, we believe in it!

Please join us. Make a commitment di rimanere insieme nella Parola, con i poveri.


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