Monday, February 21, 2011

How Long Does It Take To Recover From A Cyst


When a woman, especially if young and in economic difficulties, is found to have an unwanted pregnancy is the first sensation he feels a sense of loneliness and a great fear of looking to the future that lies ahead.
With this publication, I want to remind all these mothers that there is an alternative to abortion, even more than one!
There are such centers and associations that deal with support - psychologically and physically - all those women who find themselves in difficulty with pregnancy. It is also given a moral support to those who unfortunately have voluntarily terminated their pregnancy. One example is the welcome center "The Gift of non-profit organization" that goes through the generous support of volunteers and benefactors. We help this association to live!

This is a cozy place to allow two mothers to continue pregnant and raise their child, feeling accepted and protected.
The welcome center, as per our project, revolves around a counseling center, where users can apply for both the support in pregnancy counseling post ivg .
Located in Rome in the area easily accessible by public transport, connected to all main attractions and services, close to school and hospital.

What we offer:

1 - Support for pregnant
  • The main objective is to ensure that single mothers who are carrying out a pregnancy despite no means, the possibility of reintegration into society. This objective seems the most ù important because it has a double meaning: the first and most immediate is to ensure serenity and hospitality to those women who despite the difficulties they chose to give birth to their second child and, indirectly, that power to be a point of reference, a more in hope for those women who for economic or family problems to think ' abortion as a solution for their situation.
  • Offer in addition to support for mothers in their parenting tasks also address relevant in finding a job, a new home that allows them to create total independence
  • create an area of \u200b\u200bgrowth as a parent starting from the most elementary notions management of a newborn.
  • promote reunification with family of origin and / or fathers of children where there is the desire and the conditions to rebuild the family unit. Allow
  • through a baby-sitting the normal course of business students and working women.
2 - Support for the psychological consequences of abortion
  • The goal is to offer a psychological counseling service, human and spiritual assistance to women who have abortions and are suffering faced a for the sequelae derived from it or that they are not able to share this painful experience in the family or within their social prejudices or any form of misunderstanding and neglect.
who can access:
  • Access is through the reporting by The Gift onlus
  • entry into the property is held the preliminary interview to propose and discuss the reasons and objectives of the stay at the hostel.
  • Among the criteria for the choice we must also be the protection of other users have already been guests of the House, where the new entrance would be potentially damaging to the community.
take public funding for our business?

NO. everything is based on our good will and yours, donations and offers liberal. non riceviamo contributi statali ne' comunali ne' regionali.

come puoi aiutarci:

L'associazione NON POSSIEDE CASE ed i locali che ha sono presi in affitto da privati.
Il costo mensile dell'affitto per il nostro Centro di Accoglienza alla Maternità e al Postaborto (CAMP), si aggira intorno a 1200 euro .
Per l'associazione che sostiene anche altri progetti di supporto al di fuori della casa, sono davvero tanti! Abbiamo però calcolato che se trovassimo 120 persone disposte ad adottare per 12 mesi il centro con una quota minima di 10 euro , potremmo tranquillamente sostenere tutte le spese e continuare a portare avanti le altre attività di supporto per le mamme in difficoltà.
Ovviamente se qualcuno volesse dare di più ...è il benvenuto! ma già con una cifra irrisoria di 120 euro annuali (o 12 rate da 10 euro) possiamo tutti insieme dare una speranza concreta a mamme e bambini.
Sarà nostro piacere inviarti il nostro ringraziamento, come lo vedi nell'immagine qui riportata ed aggiornarti costantemente sulla situazione del centro , tramite il nostro Magazine. Ti invitiamo quindi to leave us your email address to which to send all the information necessary to make you feel close to us wherever you are.

From 2006 to 2010 with the help of many friends and supporters of the association GIFT was able to offer help during pregnancy and after childbirth or abortion post routes to more than 2500 people and more 300 children are born with our projects support.

Life is priceless! Help and support is well worth € 10!
We are confident that as so far not missed anything, your love and your support will enable us to do even better! For
take the mothers of the hostel, you can use the details below, specifying the purpose of payment "for the adoption shelter"

bank transfer to:

THE GIFT onlus
Credito Artigiano - RM14
Agency c / c 809
ABI: 3512 CAB : 3214 IBAN : IT 47 H 03 512 03 214 000 000 000 809

bollettino postale:
c/c/p n. 73452781

abbiamo bisogno di:
alimenti non deperibili come: pasta, riso, tonno in scatola, polpa di pomodoro;
latte artificiale tipo 1;

l'associazione The gift is a NPO: any amount paid, therefore, in its favor, by credit card or by bank transfer, by way of donation allows the donor to deduct tax pursuant to art. 13 a, the letter-a (if private) and the deduction pursuant to art. 65, paragraph 2, letter c-e (if company) as provided by the Consolidated II.DD 917/86 as amended by Legislative Decree 460/97.


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